Saturday 24 May 2014

Cinnamon can increase sexual function

Cinnamon can increase sexual function. It has been included in Ayurvedic formulation for increasing sexual function. In a recent study methanol extract of Cinnamon increased sexual function of rats at 100 mg/kg body weight. Cinnamon inhibits enzyme called arginase and Rho-kinase those are responsible for erectile dysfunction (difficulty in penile erection for satisfactory sexual activity).


Goswami SKPandre MKJamwal RDethe SAgarwal AInamdar MN.Screening for Rho-kinase 2 inhibitory potential of Indian medicinal plants used in management of erectile dysfunction.  2012 18;144(3):483-9. 

Goswami SK, Inamdar MN, Jamwal R, Dethe SEffect of Cinnamomum cassia Methanol Extract and Sildenafil on Arginase and Sexual Function of Young Male Wistar Rats 2014 Apr 23. doi: 10.1111/jsm.12535. [Epub ahead of print]

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