Tuesday 29 April 2014

Dealing with gastric ulcer

Imbalance between acid production in stomach and protection of stomach by mucosal layer (and prostaglandin concentration in stomach) primarily result in gastric ulcer. Bacterial infection (like infection by Helicobacter pylori), alcohol, smoking, stress can cause and aggravate existing ulcer. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) those decrease the pain by reducing production of prostaglandins (a type of lipid compounds that protect stomach) cause ulcer when used for a long time. Better sanitation can reduce bacterial infection. Stop / decrease drinking alcohol and smoking cigarette for ulcer to heal faster with medicine. Decrease stress by performing meditation, relaxing and talking to people who can help you to come out from stressful life. Medicine used in ulcers either decrease the production of gastric acid or neutralize the acid due to its alkaline nature. Antibiotics are also prescribed if bacterial infection in stomach is confirmed. Molecules/chemicals having similar structure like prostaglandin are also marketed for the treatment of gastric ulcer.  

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