Saturday 3 January 2015

Taking care of teeth and gum

Brush two times in a day to keep gum and teeth clean. If teeth is not cleaned properly after eating food, bacteria grow and acid is released that decays teeth. Improperly cleaned teeth support development of tartar that facilitate loosening of gum. This in long run can loosen your teeth and teeth will fall early. Very hard brush can damage enamel while very soft brush can not remove dart from teeth. For many people, brushing can not remove food particles between teeth. In such case dental flush should be used to keep teeth and gum healthy.  Many times unhealthy and inflamed gum is responsible for bad breath.  

Weak teeth is sensitive to cold and hot drinks. Special medicated tooth paste are available to treat such condition, but teeth must be kept clean to get benefit of such medicated products.

Chewing gum can be helpful to keep mouth moist, but persons having deep bite problem must avoid regular use of chewing gum. 

Demerit of mercury filling...

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